Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Internal Computer Components

CPU - The CPU is the brain of the computer. CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. This is where the calculations take place.

RAM - Random Access Memory. A storage device which allows stored data to be accessed directly in any random order

Motherboard - The central hub of the computer.  Everything plugs into the motherboard

Power Supply - A power supply is a device that supplies electric power to all of the components of the computer.

Hard Drives

Expansion Slots

Video Card


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Internet and Web Browsers

What is Google Chrome?
It's a web browser made by Google, that connects to internet sites.

What is a web browser?
A program that runs on a computer and connects to the internet.

What is the internet?
The internet is a wire underground.

Define these words:
Router - A router is a box, plugged into your network, that helps direct where you're going on the internet.

ISP - Internet Service Provider, for example comcast

Server - The hard drives where companies like "Facebook" store all their information